Documenting REST Vs. GraphQL APIs

Writing Business Technical Writing Tips

Well-documented APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the cornerstone of any good developer portal. REST (Representational State Transfer) and GraphQL are the two dominant architectures, each with its distinct approach to data retrieval and manipulation.

This difference inherently extends to how their documentation is crafted. They are so similar on the surface, yet the way a technical writer would approach to explaining their functionality is entirely different. This post explores the nuances of documenting GraphQL compared to REST APIs, highlighting the unique challenges and strategies technical writers face.

REST API Documentation: A Blueprint for Resource-Based Architectures

REST APIs are designed around the concept of resources, each identified by URLs and manipulated through HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). Documentation for REST APIs focuses on describing these resources, the operations that can be performed on them, and the expected request and response formats.

In a sense, REST API documentation describes the "where" and "what" for each endpoint, while tutorials and use-case documentation fill in the "when," "why," and "how."

Key Components of REST API Documentation

  1. Endpoint URLs and Methods: Documentation must list all available endpoints, specifying the HTTP method (e.g., GET for retrieval, POST for creation) used for each.
  2. Parameters: Details on path, query, and header parameters that can be included in requests should be provided.
  3. Request and Response Examples: Including sample requests and responses clarifies the expected data format and structure.
  4. Error Codes: Explaining possible errors and their meanings helps developers handle exceptions gracefully.

REST API documentation benefits from tools like Swagger (OpenAPI) that can generate interactive documentation, allowing developers to explore and test the API directly from the documentation.

Two popular solutions for documenting REST APIs are ReadMe (Commercial) and Docusaurus (Open Source).

GraphQL Documentation: A Schema-Centric Approach

GraphQL represents a shift from the resource-centric model of REST to a more flexible, query-based approach. It allows clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more. This flexibility necessitates a different focus in documentation.

Key Components of GraphQL Documentation

  1. Schema Definition: A GraphQL API is defined by its schema, which specifies the types of data that can be queried (objects, fields, queries, mutations, subscriptions) and their relationships. Documentation should begin with the schema, providing a clear overview of what's available.
  2. Queries and Mutations: Examples of queries and mutations (for reading and writing data, respectively) are crucial. They demonstrate how to formulate requests to retrieve or manipulate data.
  3. Type System: Detailing the type system, including scalars, enums, interfaces, and unions, helps developers understand the data structures they will be working with.
  4. Real-time Data with Subscriptions: If supported, documentation should explain how to set up subscriptions for real-time data updates.

GraphQL's introspective nature means that tools like GraphiQL can offer auto-generated documentation, allowing developers to explore the schema and test queries in real-time.

Navigating the Documentation Landscape

The Challenge of Complexity

Documenting GraphQL can be inherently more complex due to its flexible nature. A single endpoint in GraphQL can replace multiple REST endpoints, leading to documentation that must cover a broader range of potential queries and mutations. Conversely, REST documentation is more about detailing the structure and capabilities of each endpoint.

GraphQL has an advantage over REST in that you can request data across multiple subjects and make numerous changes in a single request. This advantage comes at the cost of simplicity. Instead of a small number of fields to document for a resource-specific endpoint, the writer needs to document a much larger set of options and how they fit into various use cases.

Emphasizing Interactivity

For both REST and GraphQL, interactive documentation tools enhance the developer experience. However, the dynamic nature of GraphQL queries makes the interactivity of tools like GraphiQL particularly beneficial. These tools not only document but also serve as a learning platform.

Focus on Use Cases

Effective documentation goes beyond listing capabilities; it must guide developers on how to achieve their goals. For REST, this means detailing endpoint interactions for specific scenarios. For GraphQL, it involves showing how different queries can be combined to fetch complex data structures in a single request.

While both REST and GraphQL APIs share similar use cases, their distinct architectures necessitate different approaches to documentation. REST API documentation is structured around the concept of discrete resources and operations, while GraphQL documentation revolves around a comprehensive schema and the art of crafting queries.

By understanding these differences, technical writers can create more effective, user-friendly documentation that empowers developers to harness the full potential of these powerful technologies. As APIs continue to evolve, so too will the strategies for documenting them, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in technical communication.

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